If you want to make the best of your spray tan, there are some things that can help you keep it in tip top condition.
After The Tan
- Resist putting your hands in water immediately after your tan, and try to resist rubbing/dabbing your skin.
- Try not to get your skin wet, or it may streak. As difficult as that is, it means keeping your newly tanned skin away from rain, no swimming, avoid sweating if you can.
- Don’t have a spray tan, then go and get a manicure / peducure / facial / massage, actually, don’t do anything that might rub or remove the spray tan solution within the recommended time of your tan therapist.
- Don’t use creams/lotions/potions on your skin while your tan is developing, or it may streak.
- Let your tan develop for around 8 hours before taking your first shower or bath. When you take showers or baths, try to keep them short, to prolong the length of your tan.
- Don’t shave for at least 48 hours after a tan.
- Pat your skin dry after a shower or bath, instead of rubbing, as rubbing will remove areas of the tan.
- Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise after your first shower/bath. Keep your skin hydrated, especially in the areas of your body that are prone to dryness, such as elbows, knees, ankles.
As a general rule, long hot showers, long baths, hot tubs, saunas and swimming pools can significantly shorten the life of your spray tan, and cause the tan to wear off faster than expected.